For every schengen visa you apply for those schengen border countries, there is a fee or the amount you need to pay, as an application fee. Now you might have your question, whether subsistence for every schengen country is same or not. Well there are variations in every countries subsistence and visa norms.
If you are planning to go abroad and want to enjoy while your visa lasts, then you need to show proof of funds for the expenditure you are going to spend. For this you need to plan well and ensure your bank account is sufficiently funded.
Your means of subsistence is mandatory for any schengen country and you will be asked to provide that document as an important one to submit. By this any schengen country wants to issue visas provided you have their standard of living and you are carrying those funds for your expenditure.
There are few ways to prove your financial subsistence, below are the details.
- A bank statement showing at least last 3 months of bank balance of funds.
- Any employment payment.
- Bank issued travelers cheque.
- Prove of funds if holding cash.
- Credit card.
- If you are employed, submit proof of document supporting that.
- If you are sponsored, make sure the document is attested, or show proofs of hotel booking where you are going to stay etc.

The regulation act of EC No.810/2009 established by European Parliament and of the council of July 13th 2009 came up with community code called visa code. There are two articles that states about the means of subsistence clearly.
Article 21 5 states that, the application will be assessed against intended stay with what was mentioned in the application about duration of the stay and the assessment of budget hotel expenses to the means of the subsistence
In the Article 14 C, it states that an individual who is applying should show means of subsistence for his duration of stay, subsistence for his or her return journey, if he is planning to travel to another schengen country borders legally.
Now let’s see about the country’s specific means of subsistence with respect to the schengen country specific visa norms.
Sweden: In case you need to obtain Sweden Visa, you need submit proof of funds as 48.26 Euros per day against the number of days you are seeking the visa for. The means of subsistence should be provided at the time application at the Swedish Embassy or consulate.
Switzerland: 92.34 Euros per day is the means of subsistence for Switzerland, however if you are a student with a valid Id proof, then you need to submit, 27.70 Euros per day. You need to submit this at the time of visa application at the respective Switzerland Embassy or Consulate.
Spain: European Commission has issued the information to the Spain immigration that any foreigner who is trying to enter Spain must show means of subsistence of 573 Euros which is 90% of gross national income of 636 Euros for the applicant who is going to stay up to 10 days. However 70.77 Euros per day has to be shown in case the applicant exceeds more than 10 days.
Slovenia: If you want to visit Slovenia then you will have to pay 70 Euros per day at Slovenia Embassy or consulate at the time of application. Crossing Slovenia borders is illegal without prior permission, and hence it is advisable to visit the country as per the European commission norms as stating by them in Article 7.
Portugal: On every entry, a foreign national seeking Portugal Visa has to pay 40Euros per day. However anyone who wants to enter the territory of Portugal has to pay 75 Euros.
Slovakia: 56 Euros per day is what Slovakia immigration is advising the applicants to show means of subsistence while applying for any visa at Slovakian Embassy.
Liechtenstein: Any Individual who is willing to travel to Liechtenstein, has to pay means of subsistence to Liechtenstein Embassy of 92.34Euros same as Switzerland. However students with valid Id proof can show 27.70 Euros per day. The amount needs to be provided with proof of funds while applying for the Liechtenstein visa. This should be done at the time of Liechtenstein visa application.
Poland: While you are applying for Poland Visa, you need pay up to 70Euros if you decide to visit up to 3 days and 22.59 Euros for those who want to visit more than 3 days and the amount reduces further to 4.2 Euros if you have arranged accommodation that covers the cost at the cheaper price.
Netherlands: If you are a foreign national looking out for Netherlands visa, you need to show means of subsistence of 34 Euros per day as per the European commission.
Norway: Though the means of subsistence is decided based on individual. The European commission set up the Act with Norwegian Immigration that any applicant who applies for Norwegian visa should show 53.34 Euros.
Luxembourg: Luxembourg does not have any means of subsistence to show for any applicant as per the European commission for Luxembourg visa.
Lithuania: As per the agreement between the European commissions to the Republic of Lithuania, any applicant has to show 40 Euros per day at the time of application submission.
Latvia: The immigration rules of Latvia states that you should at least have 14 Euros per day to spend your visit while travelling in Latvia as per the country standards of living. You need to submit the means of subsistence to the embassy of Latvia.
Iceland: According to Icelandic Visa, Any foreign national entering Iceland has to pay 28.83 Euros per day to Embassy at the time of application. However, you will have to pay 144.13 Euros into Icelandic territory for every entry.
Italy: Italian Visa means of subsistence varies according to the number of days of stay. Any foreigner who is applying to enter Italy has to apply at your nearby Italian consulate or embassy. The means of subsistence is as follows for Italy.
For less than a week visa, per head you will have to pay 270 Euros approximate. And for any added members in the application has to pay 212 Euros.
If you stay is going to be from 6 days to 10 days, then show amount of 44.93 Euros for a single member per day and 26.33 Euros for any additional members in the application.
For stays above 10 to 20 days 51.64 Euros and 25.82 Euros for additional members plus the daily means of subsistence for individual of 36.67 Euros and 22 Euro for two to more additional members in the application.
If you are planning for trip over 20days upwards, then the means of subsistence is 207 Euros for Individual and 119 Euros for additional members per head. Daily amounts again are 27.89 Euros per person and 17.04 for more than a person.
Hungary: On every entry the applicant who decides to visit and stay should show means of subsistence of 3.20 Euros per day. As per the agreement of European commission with ministry of Hungary, any foreigner entering Hungary has to show subsistence of 3.19 Euros for every entry.
Germany: For any kind of visas application submitted must show means of subsistence for 45 Euros per day to the German Embassy or consulate.
France: The norms of means of subsistence for France have changed since June 19th of 2014 in case you are not able to submit proof of prepaid accommodation. In such cases you are advised to pay 120 Euros per day to the consulate. However if you have any prepaid accommodation you will be asked to pay low means of subsistence of 65 Euros and again 120 Euros for the days that is not covered as per your visa request. In case the applicant has arranged for any cheaper accommodation then it is further reduced to 32.25 Euros per day.
Finland: Finland means of subsistence is 30 Euros per day that the applicant need to submit against the visa he has to apply for at Finland Embassies.
Estonia: The means of subsistence for Estonia is approved and brought forward by ministry of foreign affairs of the Estonia. Any applicants applying for Estonia have to pay 100 Euros per day against the number of days the visa has been called for.
Denmark: For Denmark Visa, the applicant has to show 67 Euros per day if planning to stay in a hotel or if you are planning to stay in cheaper accommodation you need to show 47 Euros. Further if your accommodation cost is covered by a third-party person from Denmark, the means of subsistence is lowered further.
Czech Republic: Based on short and long term visas, the Czech immigration authorities have set the means of subsistence accordingly. From short visas to business visas, the amount to show varies greatly. If the applicant is willing to apply for short term visa, the proof of amount should be submitted for Euros 42, 50 per day which is equivalent to 1100 Czech currency.
In case the visa has to exceed for 30 day calendar period, you are advised to apply for visa by showing means of subsistence for 1274 Euros and additional amount of 170 Euros every month.
And again long term visa shows minimum and maximum amounts as means of subsistence. For this visa a minimum of 85 Euros and then for longer duration of staying, extended 15 times for 1274 Euros. Doubling minimum amount makes 170 Euros by end of every month has to be shown.
For Business visa application the means of subsistence will be extended to 50 times the minimum making it to 4245 Euros.
For student applying for visas, the minimum per month of stay has to just show 85 Euros for covering your expenditure and should be attested or authorized by local government authority. However for underage visa applicants, the visa norms are little ease on such cases where individuals just have to show half of the adult’s minimum means of subsistence.
Belgium: From minimum Euros45 to Euros95 per day if planning to accommodate in a cheaper hotel or on a budget, the means of subsistence has been set to this rate. Based on this, Belgian immigration authorities have set the amount minimum 45 Euros to maximum of 95 Euros for foreign nationals applying to enter into the country.
Austria: Means of subsistence governed by ministry of foreign affairs and federal ministry of Europe and all Austrian consulates do not stipulate the amount of subsistence as they assess the applicants based on the type of journey he’s headed into the country. However the amount is specified to a standard subsistence. The means of subsistence may change from schengen country to country and depended on case to case.